Our Story

John and his family

I am a physical therapist and never imagined I would be in the cosmetic business. 29 years of treating patients in outpatient orthopedics so I know a bit about healing and rehabilitation of the human anatomy. 6 years ago, my life changed, although tragic, but beautifully crafted to bring me to this place in time in a position to help others heal their body and skin.

I was involved in a fatal rollover SUV accident while returning from the Christmas Holidays with my wife and two children. A carload of gifts and a top-heavy SUV, my wife swerved to avoid contacting another vehicle, we flipped several times and were hit by oncoming cars on the other side of the freeway. My wife lost her life, I lost my wife and my children, 3 and 1 years of age, lost their mother.

I sustained 6 broken ribs, a broken neck, and several facial and body lacerations that left me with permanent scars all over my body.  By God’s grace, I survived and so did my children. Fast forward to 3 years later I had an idea to create a topical cream to help heal my scarred face and body. Little did I know it would work. You can see by the photos my face was pretty messed up.

My lower lip was badly scarred to the point where it was difficult to smile and I was unable to whistle. I applied our mix to my lips and overnight noticed my lip scars had reduced by 75%. After a second application, I was able to whistle. At this point, I knew we had something special.

Our patented formula is the most uniquely crafted in the very impacted cosmetic space. Our base cream is a phenomenal stand-alone cosmetic when used daily will help damaged skin regenerate and look new again.

Our product line is designed to address all the major issues affecting the skin. Our cream can be used to enhance any cosmetic procedure, deliver any medication, provide the aftercare to sustain and continue to the regeneration process after treatment. Our men’s daily is an incredible post-shave formula that makes a man’s face glow and soften. Scars from acne, surgery or injury soften almost immediately following the application of our Restor Remodel formula. Our Restor Body Cream will soften, hydrate and heal skin from sun damage literally overnight.

My story can be your story. If you want naturally beautiful skin that glows and looks ageless, Restor Cosmetics are here to help. Our product is all-natural, contains no preservatives and toxins and activates your body’s own growth factors to heal and regenerate your skin.

In Good Health,
John R. Horsley, PT
Restor Cosmetics, Inc.